





1. 推动佛教健康传承。坚持以戒为师、勤修三学、契理契机,推动佛教在各国各地区健康传承。推动三大语系佛教经典当代互译阐释,开展三大语系佛教教理教义思想和修行实践交流,加强佛教四众弟子的团结合作,共同传承佛陀正法。加强公益慈善领域国际合作,引领佛教信众通过参与公益慈善活动实践信仰、利益众生。践行佛教依正不二、慈悲护生的生态环境理念,倡导简约朴素、绿色低碳的生产生活方式,保护生物多样性,促进人与自然和谐共生。

2. 实施佛教典籍数字化工程。开展佛教典籍整理和数字化工作,培养数字化专业人才,探索人工智能等新技术条件下佛教典籍数字化创新发展路径,加强佛教典籍数字化国际交流合作,为信息化时代佛教传承弘扬提供科学支持,丰富人类文明宝库。关注科技发展引发的伦理问题,倡导科技为众生服务。

3. 加强当代佛教思想与实践研究。梳理当代佛教思想历史源流、实践经验,鼓励汉传佛教人间佛教思想与近现代藏传佛教、南传佛教适应时代发展形成的重要思想的比较研究,拓展时代化、国际化弘法利生途径。促进佛教心性学说与现代心理学比较研究。保护佛教文物和文化遗产,推动佛教艺术创新发展。

4. 积极开展佛教友好交流。加强世界佛教论坛的组织功能,促进国际佛教交流合作。深入挖掘国际间佛教交流历史资源,充分发挥佛教圣物、胜迹祖庭、祖师法脉等的信仰纽带作用,传承发展传统法谊,开展交流互鉴。以佛教友好交流促进各国各地区民间往来,巩固和平共处、合作共赢的民意基础,发挥佛教在构建人类命运共同体中的积极作用。


Declaration of Mount Xuedou at the Sixth World Buddhist Forum

We representatives of the Buddhist community from 72 countries and regions, gathered from October 15 to 17, 2024, at Mount Xuedou in Ningbo, Zhejiang, China, for the Sixth World Buddhist Forum. Centered on the theme Hand in Hand for Coexistence and nine sub-topics, we engaged in in-depth discussions and open exchanges, fostering consensus and seeking collaboration.

We believe that in the face of unprecedented global changes unseen in a century -- an era of much turbulence and transformation, there is urgency for us to uphold the fundamental Buddhist spirit of compassion and wisdom. By practicing peace, the Middle Way, equality, perfect harmony, and altruism, we must aim to safeguard world peace, address global challenges, and create a brighter future for humanity.

We believe that we should adhere to respecting each other’s beliefs, advocate the spirit of equality and inclusiveness, conduct inter-religious dialogue, resolve religious conflicts, resist extremist ideologies, foster religious harmony, and promote exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations.

We believe that we must deeply understand the close connection among members of the international community for shared destiny, and leverage Buddhisms role as a cultural bridge connecting hearts and minds. This will help promote peaceful coexistence and mutual benefit among countries and regions to build a community with a shared future for mankind. To this end, we call on the global Buddhist community to:

1. Promote the healthy inheritance of Buddhism. We should adhere to the precepts, to the diligent practice of the Threefold Training, and to doctrinal correctness and situational properness, so as to ensure that Buddhism is transmitted healthily in all countries and regions. We should promote contemporary translations and interpretations of Buddhist scriptures of the three major linguistic traditions, and encourage exchanges on Buddhist doctrines and practices. We should strengthen unity and cooperation among the four groups of Buddhist disciples to generate concerted effort in inheriting and disseminating the true Dharma of the Buddha; enhance international cooperation in charitable work, guiding Buddhist followers to practice their faith and benefit all beings through charitable activities; uphold the Buddhist principles of non-duality between self and environment, and the compassion to protect all life. We should also advocate simple, eco-friendly, and low-carbon lifestyles, protect biodiversity, and promote harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature.

2. Implement the Buddhist scripture digitization project. To do the sorting and digitization of Buddhist scriptures, we should train digital specialists, and explore innovative paths for the digitization of Buddhist scriptures through the application of new technologies such as artificial intelligence. We should strengthen international exchange and cooperation in the digitization of Buddhist scriptures, provide scientific support for the transmission and promotion of Buddhism in the information age, and enrich human civilization. We should pay attention to ethical issues arising from technological development and advocate for the application of technology to serve all beings.

3. Strengthen research on contemporary Buddhist thought and practice. We should launch projects to trace the historical development and practical experiences of contemporary Buddhist thought; encourage comparative studies between Han Buddhism’s Humanistic Buddhism tradition and important ideas that emerged in response to modern developments in Zang Buddhism and Theravada ; expand the scope of modern and international methods for Dharma propagation and benefiting all beings; promote comparative research regarding Buddhist theories of the mind and modern psychology. We should also protect cultural relics and heritage, and encourage innovative development of Buddhist art.

4. Actively engage in friendly Buddhist exchanges. We should strengthen the organizational functions of the World Buddhist Forum to promote international Buddhist exchange and cooperation; thoroughly explore historical resources of international Buddhist exchanges and fully utilize the role of sacred Buddhist relics, root temples, and patriarchal Dharma lineages as bonds of faith; inherit and develop traditional Buddhist friendships, fostering mutual learning through exchange; promote people-to-people exchanges among countries and regions through friendly Buddhist exchanges, consolidating the public opinion foundation for peaceful coexistence and mutual benefit. We should also highlight Buddhism’s positive role in building a community with a shared future for mankind.
